Do you accept Insurance?
While we do not accept Insurance, we do accept FSA and HSA.
If your Insurance company accepts out-of-network providers, we can provide you with Superbills for you to submit and claim reimbursement from your Insurance company.
What does Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture can help treat a variety of issues ranging from musculoskeletal discomfort & pain, fertility & women’s health, digestion, anxiety & depression, and more. In certain cases where Acupuncture cannot treat the underlying issue, it can help with the symptoms so that the patient can experience a better quality of life.
How much are your Acupuncture or Massage sessions?
All pricing information can be found on our Pricing page.
How do I book an appointment?
You can book your appointments by visiting the Scheduling page located here: Schedule
Simply choose the provider you would like to see, and you will be able to view their availability in the upcoming weeks for you to book.
You can also call us at (718) 777-0620 or email info@oakpointhealth.com where we will be more than happy to assist you!
I booked my first appointment, what now?
Once you book your appointment online, our team will review and approve the booking. Once this has been accepted, you will receive an automated text message confirming the appointment.
Our team will send you a Health History Questionnaire for you to complete prior to your appointment (via email) which will help us know how to better treat your issues.
For new patients, please expect a confirmation call a day prior to your appointment.
You can also call us at (718) 777-0620 if you have any questions or concerns which we can assist with.
How often should I get Acupuncture or Massage?
The frequency for your Acupuncture or Massage appointments can be best determined after your initial session with our team. We have patients ranging from twice-a-week appointments, to monthly or quarterly maintenance sessions.
Our goal is to help you feel better and reach a point where you are coming in solely for relaxation.
Can pregnant women get Acupuncture or Massage?
Yes, our team has Pregnancy-specific Acupuncture & Massage treatments tailored to help you with pregnancy symptoms and discomfort. Let us know if you are pregnant and if this is what you are looking for.
Please consult with your Physician before booking with us if you are Pregnant.
Do you sell gift cards?
Yes, we sell gift cards physically in-person, or over the phone. Please call (718) 777-0620 for assistance.
What is your Cancellation policy? / Cancellation fee?
For any cancellations (outside of emergencies & unforeseen events), we require a 24 hour notice prior to your appointment. Please call (718) 777-0620 or email info@oakpointhealth.com prior to your appointment.
We charge a fifty dollar ($50) late cancellation / no-show fee if you do not let us know 24 hours prior to your appointment.
Is tip required? / How much should I tip?
While tipping is completely left to your discretion, our team is always appreciative when receiving tips! Please feel free to show them some love if you enjoyed your session. Please note that only Cash or Venmo tips can only be accepted. Thanks!